Concrete Construction
Cannon Concrete Construction is a full service “Turnkey” concrete contractor who has the capabilities and expertise to self-perform.
- Cast in Place Footings and Foundations
- Slab on Grade, Supported Slabs on Composite Decks
- Topping Slabs on Precast Elements
- Structural Concrete for Buildings and Parking Structures and Mix Use Facilities.
- Post Tension Concrete

Site Concrete
Timely and schedule-oriented, we will make sure your site concrete is ready when you need it.
- Concrete Paving
- Concrete Curb & Gutter
- Concrete Sidewalks
- Decorative Concrete
Residential Concrete
Cannon Concrete Construction will perform residential work for the Customer Home Builder or Private Individuals.
- Basement foundation
- Flatwork for Basements and Garages and Out Buildings
- Driveways (remove and replace old or asphalt with new concrete)
- Decorative Patios
- Retaining Walls

Facilities Services
Working directly with owner to assist with internal upgrades.
- Slab Replacement and Repairs
- Machine Foundations
- Press Pit and Containment Structures
- Truck Dock Pavement and Repairs
- Truck Dolly Pads
Excavation Services
We provide light excavation services to reduce your contact load for small projects.
- Dig and Backfill for Foundations
- Remove and Replacement

Concrete Pumping Services
We offer full service concrete pumping. Our fleet currently includes:
- 32 Meter Schwing (Frost Legal)
- 38 Meter Putzmeister